Our Commitment
Our sustainability integration approach is broken down into these overarching themes:
ESG considerations are an integral part of our decision-making process. Our primary focus is on carbon emissions and energy efficiency, but we also look at governance and social and well-being standards. For the carbon emissions, we use CRREM data as scientific and independent approach. Under CRREM, our investments are analysed against the 1.5°C climate target, and emission pathways are defined for our decarbonisation targets.
We strive to embed sustainability in all areas of our organization. This includes measuring and reducing our consumption of resources such as electricity, water and paper, and travel policies to reduce our corporate carbon footprint.
Key to improving our portfolio is the decarbonization of our direct investments which equate to half of Allianz´s real estate investment portfolio. By improving the energy efficiency and replacing traditional energy sources with low-carbon alternatives we are transforming these buildings for the future.
We look to inspire and influence our partners and tenants to follow our lead and take an active role to bring about change. By promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly behaviors and services, by implementing them as an integral part of our processes and contracts, and by making the right joint decisions, together we can take tangible steps in the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Sustainability Policy
Our approach to integrating sustainability into the investment cycle
Developed jointly between PIMCO Prime Real Estate and Allianz Climate Solutions, the Sustainability Policy incorporates the latest industry recommendations by the Finance Initiative of the United Nations Environment (UNEP FI), Framework for Sustainable Real Estate Investment and the G20 Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). The policy outlines our approach to integrating sustainability considerations into the business processes throughout the investment cycle of the assets within Allianz’s global real estate portfolio.