The office and business building at Kettenhofweg 1 in Frankfurt has been rented out in full since the beginning of the year. Allianz Real Estate Germany has recently gained several new tenants for the building, which is located right next to the Old Opera House, and has extended its agreements with existing customers.
Massdrei GmbH is opening its new showroom for interior design and facility furnishing (with Vitra and USM as its contractual partners) in the 120 square meters of retail space on the ground floor. Liesegand und Partner - Partnergesellschaft mbB also moved in halfway through last month and is now utilizing around 480 square meters on the fourth floor. The most recent arrival at Kettenhofweg 1 is the law firm Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner Rechtsanwälte. They have 470 square meters on the fifth floor at their disposal.

The Italian Consulate General and Schneiders Café Snackbar GmbH have extended their tenancy agreements with Allianz Real Estate Germany. The Consulate will remain in its 1,400 square meters over three stories, while the café is extending its rental space on the ground floor to just under 200 square meters in total.